
Lucky Police Station Gets Custom 911 Carrera On Loan


Holy moly, y’all. A police precinct just got a custom Porsche 911 Carrera for its department, and we can’t imagine anything more fun than chasing down speeders in one of these. The car is actually still owned by Porsche and will be used more for parades and special events, the Iron Man suit of Australian Police, we suppose.

But holy mackerel if it doesn’t look fine; the officers of New South Wales must be better people than we…or at least more tortured. Can you imagine the temptation of living next to all that desert and not being able to let it loose? Sure, the Chief will take his wife out to dinner in it, but what about the regular guys, the shift guys, the guys working on a Saturday with nothing happening and those keys just hanging on a hook, jangling whenever someone slams a door.


The car, sophisticated as it looks, was actually designed by children, high school children actually, submitting designs in a competition run by Porsche. Too bad only Australian high schoolers get to ogle it in person now. Is it a deterrent against bad driving or does it inspire a want to be chased?

From what we’ve seen of high-speed pursuits, this is not a car that you would want to take. It would go plenty fast, but the need to box the pursued in with your own vehicle would undoubtedly be too much for many officers to bear. Which is more worth protecting: the law or the Porsche? Men weren’t built to shoulder these responsibilities.

We are simply glad that it exists and look forward to seeing it at the Stuttgart museum one day. In the meantime, stop by Leith Porsche to test drive a 911 Carrera of your own. You can play the outlaw or the police.


Lucky Police Station Gets Custom 911 Carrera On Loan was last modified: April 29th, 2015 by Leith Porsche

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