We’re excited to continue the construction of our new showroom right next to our adjacent, old building. The ripping down of the old Jaguar Land Rover building has happened remarkably fast, and we hope that we haven’t annoyed our neighbors at Audi Cary too much. They’re a part of Leith, as well, so we’re sure they’re excited for us.
When all is finished, the trademark curvature of Porsche’s architecture will contrast nicely with the harsh, squared angles of Audi. The two brands will have the equal status they deserve, and Jaguar Land Rover will keep on as happy as sweet tea in a mason jar in their new digs. What will become of the old Porsche building? We’re still mulling that one over, as well.
To provide an update of the construction, we’ve prepared a new video for this week, as promised. We wanted to show the progression of time, so the natural call was to make a time-lapse video with a GoPro camera. Add to that some dreamy, ethereal tunes from a Porsche video about Le Mans, and we had something special to show the progress we’ve made from just a week ago.
Please stop by to see us—all business is happening like normal, and we’d love to catch up with you, and maybe show off the new Macan and/or Targa (if we have any left in stock!). Plus, we have Cars & Coffee happening this Saturday, July 12, 9:30-11:30 a.m., to talk about Porsche’s turbo technology.
Enjoy the video, and share it if you feel so inclined.
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