Top 6 Driving Apps and Porsche Gifts For 2014 Winter Holidays

We have no doubt that you are beyond saturated with gift recommendations by now. When we walked into a store this year before Halloween and noticed red-and-green holiday items on the shelf, we knew it had already begun.

However, there are plenty of us who like to take our time when choosing our gifts. In fact, we like it so much that we sometimes forget until the very last minute that, oh yeah, that’s something we really need to take care of.

Never fear. Leith Porsche wants to help, and we certainly won’t send you to the mall to do so. Can you imagine the gridlock at the mall right now? Pure anarchy. Avoid all of that mess by getting your special someone one of our recommended apps, or swing by our gift shop to pick up something quick. We guarantee you can park easily and knock out at least one gift. Easy!

Here then are three apps and three things from our Porsche gift shop. Good luck.

6. Trackr App

This is an app to help you find your keys, wallet, purse, phone or anything else you routinely lose. Small, coin-sized “TrackR” devices can be stored on your keychain, wallet, or whatever. These devices have Bluetooth wireless capability. With the company’s app, the device will ring, or you can search for it based on location.

5. Porsche Martini Belt



4. XLR8 App

This app makes up for the lack of ferocity in today’s fuel-efficient cars by giving you the engine growl you wish you had. Thanks to clever location-monitoring, the app changes gears and accelerates as you accelerate. Take your foot off the gas, and the app will decelerate your virtual V8. You can even choose which muscle car you feel like today. Sit at idle and your virtual carburetors will rattle and pop just like Steve McQueen’s. Reclaim your car’s soul.

3. Porsche Ballcap



2. Waze App

Bought by Google last year, Waze is arguably the most popular driving app today, aside from Google Maps. Waze’s strength is its crowd-source information about traffic delays that creates faster, more efficient routes than Google Maps. How can this be if Google owns Waze? For whatever reason, Google Maps doesn’t integrate all of Waze’s data.

Google Maps certainly looks nicer; its polish is world-class. But for the fastest routes in real-time, as well as real-time info about police speed traps, Waze is still king.

1. Porsche iPad Air Case


Top 6 Driving Apps and Porsche Gifts For 2014 Winter Holidays was last modified: December 17th, 2014 by Leith Porsche

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